Monday, February 25, 2013

Whole Tone Scale Exercise 12 B

Here is a great exercise from Nicolas Reinoso's book:

Jazz Improvisation: Studies for Technical Development

I have adapted it for guitar which I have demonstrated in the video. This exercise draws its notes from the Whole Tone scale and is useful for development in the following areas:

-Usage of patterns from the whole tone scale
-Finger stretching
-Position extension
-Alternate picking

The up-tempo version:

And the slower version:

One will note that this exercise has a pattern as follows:

1. Up a maj 3rd
2. Down a maj 2nd
3. Up a maj 3rd
4. Down a maj 2nd
5. Up a maj 3rd
6. Down a maj 2nd
7. Up a maj 3rd
8. Down a min 2nd

Repeat this pattern again, followed by the exact reverse of the first two patterns.

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